Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Day three of renovation

Very exhausted after about 9 hours of work at the new house. I got all but one of the hanging cabinets in the kitchen double primed that weren’t already. My brothers friend joined us about an hour into working. My brother and his friend helped patch up the kitchen and scrub down cabinets yet to be primed. My hubby helped in the kitchen and installed the new door handle.

The door handle was an awesome used store find.  The
door handle is Baldwin brand, that after some research, I found out costs around $250 online… I don't want to know how much the in store sticker would have been. I was able to snag this beautiful door handle for $15 at the used store. I tried to snap a photo of it but my phone had died by the time my hands were only mostly covered in dried paint.

The cabinets will get a off white color put on tomorrow called “Gilded Endive” Which has more yellowy undertones that match the antique glaze best.

Tomorrow we will also be sanding patched up wall before we spray on the texture.
I need to actually get the kitchen color… I found the perfect color for the kitchen only to find out it is not a color that goes over a plaster… It was the color of a plaster itself. I had planned on using the color to colorwash the walls in the kitchen, but now I am reconsidering it with the amount of work I already have with the cabinets. I think I might stick to a solid color, then if I have time, I may stencil or paint on a back splash in the kitchen. I guess it depends on how sore my arms are when the time comes in addition to how much time I have.

We were going to be painting the ceiling, but after considering the ceiling needs repair, we decided to put that on hold as we will most likely need to either repair or replace most if not all of it. No need to spend over a hundred dollars on paint when it may only be up there for so long. The color ideas for the ceiling still stand, just to be used at a later point.

I hope to get to getting the green paint on the walls since there will need to be two coats of it on two of the living room walls.

I know I have a lot of time left, but with as much that still needs to be done I am feeling very overwhelmed. I keep telling myself that we have done so much just in the past 2 and a half days, but all I see is this mountain of things that are on a deadline.
Gotta finish up everything at the new house. Gotta come back and finish packing up the old house and clean a little. There are not enough hours in the day for my liking.
I have a bit of a problem with trying to power house through tasks until I am falling over tired. I am trying really hard not to do that. In a perfect world I could go into overdrive and work through the night without any repercussions. Yea, like I said, in a perfect world. I am just nervous when I am sure I shouldn’t be. This is the first time we have done anything this major and it scares me to think I could fuck up the cabinets horribly.
The walls will be fine. We have done wall patch and fixes, as well as painting. I have confidence those will turn out fine. I just feel like I need to be at both houses at once and I can’t.
I am still freaking out over the end result of the cabinets and what it will be. My husband on the other hand is quite excited and tells me how awesome they are coming along even though there is only primer on them. He knows how nervous I am and is trying to give me motivation to be excited as I originally was.

I guess I am just trying to tell myself in my head that even if I royally screw up the technique, I can always just paint over it, and keep them a solid color. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this is like every other painting type thing I have done, and the more stressed and nervous I get about it, the more amazing it turns out. At least that is how it has been in the past with actual paintings.

On a side note, I am glad I did not repaint my toe nails recently, or I might be upset about the unintentional paint splatters on them. I swear I even managed to roll the paint up the crotch of my pants, which was pretty funny. Paint is probably going to take a little while to come off my skin as it is. Glad I picked the clothes I did for this job.

Anyways, headed to bed. I will try and post progress photos tomorrow if my phone does not die on me. I need to really remember to plug it in while I am there and not just leave it laying around.

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