Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Day four of renovation

Got a lot done today. My brother and his friend sanded down the patched walls in the kitchen. We ended up saving time not having to remove the second layer of wall paper. The reason being is we learned the second layer of “wallpaper” was actually drywall… *blinks* I have never seen drywall that looks like wallpaper, but I guess that is the 80s for you? It kinda makes my brain hurt so moving on.

So I tested one side of a cabinet with the actual endive base color with the roller. It was an epic fail. You could seriously see the roll marks. Why make cabinet rollers if they don’t actually do a good job? So we decided to splurge and buy a paint sprayer. It was an unexpected cost, but after using it for the first time, I think it is my new favorite toy. Of course I now look like a snow queen, but my cabinets look amazing with the even color.
We ended up getting $30 off the model as well since they were out of the $100 models, he knocked $30 off the next model up for us. So even with the $18 2 year warranty we spent less. I was grateful for the price cut. Every little bit counts. Completely worth the money though I will say that. I will NEVER do cabinets without a sprayer again. I saved so much time. I use a little more paint than I would with a roller, but I can deal with having to buy another gallon of paint for a good finish.

I got over half the upper cabinets coated with the endive on both sides, the other 1/4 are either half coated or ready to get their coating. I am saving so much time using this sprayer not to mention I find it a lot of fun. I will most likely also use it to prime the cabinets in the lower part of the kitchen as well. Of course AFTER everything is super taped and covered up.

One thing we did not get to is the spray texture for the kitchen. The house was too warm to use it. It was 86 in the house and the can said it needed to be at 72 at most to not “run” So the boys will get to that tomorrow bright and early.

We got the first layer of green on the one wall. We will add a second coat tomorrow, then paint the other wall green across from it as well.
We changed the color for the kitchen and the opposite walls in the living room.. I looked at colors to try and match the plaster color and the color that matched looked horrid… So, we had a big laugh all day making jokes about what happened to be the new name of the paint color that did work… The name was tea bag. Yea, they ran with the fact that we are tea bagging the house >.> It honestly is a great color though and compliments all the other colors in the house nicely.

Photo time!

Our awesome paint color! We are using this on two walls of the living room.
Also my husband helping me tape up the room before painting. He kept that on his fact pretty much all day, It was awesome.

Nice wall color (first coat. Will look better later) Ugly wall color… I hate that salmon whatever color it is. We refused to live with it.

It will look so much more amazing when that ugly salmon color is not right next to the green. We actually finished all the way down the little hall and to the corner of the room near the wood in the upper right corner. (Wood was there because there used to be a fireplace there and I think the wood had stone over it at some point.)

Cabinet came out and bit between my toe. Luckily my hubby was prepared and patched me up as best he could. Of course this meant I was benched for about 40 mins. I hate sitting still… It was hard. So I sat and looked at photos on pinterest. Evil time sucking thing it is. I love pinterest.

Brother and hubby taping up the kitchen in prep for the spray texture.


I am now the snow queen. I am an artist and I never manage to get this much paint on me. I am actually pretty clean for an artist. I find this to be odd. I had so much fun with that paint sprayer. On the plus side, I will be less sore due to not rolling paint on cabinets for hours a day… Oh, this is all over my feet and legs as well lol.

I had to leave some of the cabinets outside to dry as the last coat got put on not long before we left. I don’t like that we left them out there but we did not have much of a choice.

I will take photos of the tea bag color tomorrow and the cabinets before the glazing begins! Curse of being an artist, a solid color is never good enough. Same goes for my hair color… I can never do with just one color in my hair. I always have to have at least two colors in my hair or I feel it is boring. My hubby was worried about having “feature” walls, as he has never had them before, but he is actually loving the colors and creative style it brings to our home. I can’t wait to spend our first night there.

Tomorrows goals:
Spray texture the kitchen to match the rest of the house. Spray texture dries in about 5 mins thankfully.

Paint the other wall green and add another coat to the one that is already green.

Teabag the kitchen and the wall in the living room after washing the walls.  Yes I had to say it that way haha.

Finish spraying the cabinets and start glazing the doors if able. Upper cabinets need to be finished before the lower ones do because they need to be put back up on the wall as soon as possible.

Once kitchen wall is dry then I can get to the lower portion of the kitchen. That might not be tomorrow though with the drying time being like 4 hours.

And now to try and get the paint off of, well… Pretty much most of me.

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