Sunday, April 3, 2011

New painting, nature, and gadgets

I finished a painting today. It is not the one I was commissioned to do. This one I have been doing in between that one.
draculas castle taken by my phone

It is titled “Dracula’s Castle”
The painting is on 9x12 canvas and done in acrylic paints.
Painting is of Dracula's Castle at sunset.
Debating on whether its finished or if I want to add the small black trees on either side of the castle… For now at least it is finished unless I change my mind.
I will take better quality pictures later.
Yes this painting will be available for purchase. Let me know if you are interested in buying it.

I have gotten a lot more work done on the commissioned painting as well. So lots of painting has been going on recently. It’s not over yet either. there is still more to be done.

We were able to make it out to a small portion of a forest the other day.
Lots of beautiful things to be seen there. The greenery went along a river with small ponds along the path that I am told house tadpoles at times.
tree roots This tree had really beautiful roots. The picture does not do it justice. I could not get a wider shot to show it all sadly. I am still happy with the picture I was able to take.big tree at night
This is a large tree near the opening of the forested area that I took a picture of as it was getting dark out. I love trees like this with large twisting branches that look eerie at night.
old beaver dam

This is a picture of a small abandoned old beaver dam I found. There were two of them but this one was in better shape than the other one was.

I was able to collect fern leaves, moss, pine cones, and various other items during our little adventure. I hope to go back soon as well as visit other forests and desert areas. Lots of things to explore now that it has warmed up.

Speaking of nature… My garden is growing in nicely. I have been putting the trays in the sun now that the sun is actually around. *laughs* Many more pots have sprouted up since they were planted. I got the things I needed to plant them outside when the time comes.

tray 2 1 week 2 days in tray 1 2 weeks in

Pictures of the two trays I have planted. I would plant more… but I have pretty much found all the seed packets of herbs and flowers that would be useful to me around here, and do not really want to go through the process of ordering more packets online.

Been working hard on shop products and formulating new ideas for future items. Still have more items to type up descriptions for and list. It will all get done in due time.
I may have another booth set up here in a couple months, maybe sooner… Need to figure out the date(s) but so far its a go.

My writing has been put on hold to make way for all my other works. It is still on my mind of course but not being worked on at the moment.

I will be upgrading my phone soon and I am not sure which phone I want… I have two I am thinking about. The Droid 2 Global and the Thunderbolt. Both have features I like about them. I wanted the Droid 2 Global because of its sliding out keyboard. The phone I have now has both a keyboard and a touch screen that I can use with my nails and not just fingertips. They have not made any phones with a touch screen that I can do that with that I have seen. The Droid has a 5 megapixel camera while the thunderbolt has an 8 megapixel. Though the thunderbolt does not have a slide out keyboard like the droid 2 global does. The droid is a 3g and the thunderbolt is a 4g. It is a big plus for the thunderbolt with it being a 4g phone… I am just not sure how I could handle not having a keyboard that slides out. They aren’t making many phones with keyboards anymore so I guess I would have to get used to an all touch screen phone at some point but still, the choice is tough. The thunderbolt costs a bit more but it also just came out and is 4g rather than 3g. I honestly am torn.

On another gadget note I do like the new tablet they came out with, the xoom. I might honestly like it more than the galaxy tab… its got a lot better… well everything.. ram, processor, memory.. etc, though the galaxy tab still has the side benefit of fitting in a purse which is handy for business and portability. The xoom is not too much bigger but a bit big for a purse, well my purse at least. I am sure there are purses it would fit in. I also like the bluetooth keyboard you can get to go with either. Both are spendy though.
The galaxy tab can be less expensive now if you buy the tab with a 2 year service contract. I however did not want to put service on it and would have used it with wifi connections. The xoom does not have a 2 year price to it yet and is up there price wise as well.
The xoom while a bit larger is still really easy to handle in my opinion. I still like either better than an Ipad or Ipad 2. 

Lots of things to plan, create, and do… And still I want to do more *laughs*

Anyways I believe now is a good time for some tea so I will end this post now.

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