Sunday, September 11, 2011

What I have been up to and will be up to

So I have been decently inactive on here recently. I thought I would just kind of update you all on what I have been up to.

So first off, I am getting married!
Yes I know you all probably knew I would at some point, but I have actually been planning the wedding. We are getting married Oct 13th of this year. (Mind you I just started planning for this in July... Yea its been one hell of a crazy ride for the planning part but its worth it. Funny enough my AMAZING victorian-esk fairy tale wedding gown was easier to find than the shoes were, funny that.
After some bumps we finally found a venue thats perfect within our budget. Ended up we got the more expensive ballroom for the event room price by a fluke haha. I am not complaining.
Found Caseys outfit pretty easily. (No, not a tux, or a suit.. much better than that ^^)
I have had the most wonderful bridesmaids/and friends ever who are really helping me with all of this.
Still lots to do before the wedding itself but we have a lot done already. The major stuff at least. Did I mention I really like my ring? Which to me is very fairytale like (at least thats what I think of when I see it)
wedding ring

I will probably post up wedding pics sometime after the wedding and I get them from the photographer.

I have also been going to lots of scrap booking/stamping classes. One of the craft stores around here offers a few free classes a couple times a month and I have been loving going to them. I can't believe how much I have learned in such a short period of time. Because of this I am going to make my own wedding invitations instead of just buying generic ones. Its going to be a fall themed wedding of course ^_^ favorite time of year!
I have won a bunch of cool prizes from going to the classes too. Last time they gave out TONS of scrapbooking paper and then a scrap happy water bottle with a chill core. I made a wizard of oz plaque, a honeymoon card, some stamped candles.. its awesome how many things we get to make (all supplies are free for the projects too!)
I won’t post a picture of the honeymoon card so my love does not try to sneak a peak at it, but here are pictures of some of the paper I have gotten, as well as the candle projects we did.

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I got a ton of 6x6 chipboard that I am going to use to make smaller blank books. I currently am working on a chart/correspondence book that is going to have pages and pages of info in the elements, times, places, etc for magical uses. I have been looking up altered books for page inspiration. There are some really amazing altered books out there.

I have also been working on slowly making my own tarot/oracle deck. I have painted one card so far that has to do with an underworld/otherworld necropolis. I think making my own deck will have more meaning and make it easier to understand than using my faery deck I currently have.
This card is not quite finished but almost.
otherworld necropolis oracle card

Also in the process of making a chart/correspondence book.
This is the day of the week page and the earth element page.
 days of the week1 days of the week2 days of the week3 earth with leaves other side of earth section
I am going to be doing every page as intricate and creative as these three. I have many more pages to go but it will look awesome in the end.

I have been working on a couple of clothing articles now that I know how to use my sewing machine. I haven't finished them yet, kind of stuck on how I want to finish them but I think stepping away from it and letting the ideas flow for a bit will help me come to a decision.
At some point I need to make my own dress form/bust. I know how to do it, just need the materials/time/space to do it. It would help me a lot in making clothing for myself.
Here are some of the ones I am working on.
orange and black shirt corsetting on shirt   purple and orange skirtgreen clover top
Started the corseting on the shirt. Matching skirt in the works. Beginnings of a top. I love the green clover fabric I had for this.  It will be corseted in the front later.
shirt inspiration shirt on me in progress
This brown orange shirt I found online.
Is the inspiration for the gray shirt I am making.
I mis-measured the tapered point (due to not having any sort of pattern whatsoever)
So I will need to add another panel there, but it will work. I just need to figure out how to cut the fabric for the hood the way I want it and then sew it on the back. It is going to be really cute when it is done.
gray shirt

I used a shirt of mine that was form fitting to kind of use as a pattern for the upper shape of the shirt… though that was interesting to try to manage haha. Still, was better than nothing I guess. I used the same shirt to make the pattern for the clover top too.
I just wanted to make some cute fall clothes. I will probably make more/finish these later.

The vampire photoshoot I am supposed to be in has been postponed again. This time its set much further back then the time before, so I won't have pictures of that until next year. It will still happen though.
I have another photographer interested in doing some shoots with me and we are discussing possible ideas for future shoots.

I have been watching my brothers friend for the past several days... lots of people in one house.. let me tell ya..

I am also debating on having a small Halloween Samhain party in October if I can swing it after the wedding with planning and such.. Not to mention possibly a bridal shower potentially before the wedding. Lots to do..

I will be making Samhain kits for those who pre-order them from my shop. I figured with everything going on it would be much easier to do it this way then to make up a bunch and have no idea how many people want them. I have a posting about the kits here. Keep in mind I currently only ship to people in the USA just because for right now it is easier.
Anyways, I think that covers most of what I have been up to..? lol it's good enough at least.