Thursday, December 22, 2011

Winter Solstice

Wrapped in a comfy robe, the tree lit aglow, a goblet of grog in one hand and a rum flavored cigar in the other. Welcoming the Winter Solstice but wishing for snow. Got more presents wrapped and under the tree for the family. Christmas is only but a couple of days away but its just kind of hard to believe since it still feels like its November in a lot of ways. Maybe it is because last year we had snow, lots of snow, and icicles hanging from the corner of the house. I think snow is part of what makes the holidays feel like the holidays. I have snowflake ornaments and icicle lights on the tree and that will have to do for now.
Been busy putting together and organizing lesson plans for my new apprentice. Lots of typing in my future for sure, and that is in addition to my usual writing I do for my main novel which is yet to be named, and Mandrake Manor, the second book I am writing. I got so used to using the talk to text feature on my smart phone sometimes I get frustrated and have the urge to press a button to use the same feature on my computer, which is nonexistent haha.  If that Dragon speech device for your computer was not $75-$99 dollars I would pick one up. As it is, I do not feel spending that amount of money on a speak to type feature is worth it. I also don’t know exactly how accurate it would be anyways.
I finally found a large blank book that I am happy with that I will use for my own book of secrets. I need to embellish the cover though. Thinking ornate metal hinges, flat pieces of metal filigree, if I can find a locking mechanism to somehow make work for the book that would be awesome too. Might incorporate some flat gemstones if I find the right ones… And some twisted vine branches maybe even. I have lots of ideas for this new red fabric covered book… but no design plan as of yet. I am a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to things for myself. They need to reflect me and in a way I won’t feel like I should have done something different when looking at it later. I won't be writing in it until I finish the cover. Many more blank books will be found or created for a variety of different purposes. The red book I am speaking of has about 185pgs which is not enough to cover everything I want but enough to get me started at least. Yes, I am one of those people who would love to have one of those $500 500-700 page books that have blank parchment and a pretty green or some other color leather designed cover. I may just attempt to make my own one day if I learn enough about working with leather to do so. I know a few people who may be able to at least show me some basics.

So part of me is excited for winter and snow, and another part of me is dancing about getting antsy for spring and the beginnings of wildcrafting again. So I am focusing at least some of my attention to on herbs and making better plans for my wildcrafting adventures. I love sporadic outings but I missed out on a lot of things last year because I didn’t plan at least some of the outings out before hand. One of those, just barely made it out in time to grab a few things before the next phase of plants mature. So better planning will be made so Noel and I can get out into the wild wood and get our hands dirty while gathering wonderful leafy green things.

After the holidays I have to get back to working on new shop products and filling in ones that sold at the last booth. I have another booth at the Damsels and Daggers Fairytale Ball coming up on the 7th and I have a few things I wish to make before that day comes. Some of which requires me to go out and pick up some more supplies, so those will have to wait till after Christmas when I have more time to do them.

I need to make better storage for my desk area. I have a lot of ideas I need to put to good use at some point as far as better organization for ease of crafting. I also need to get something like a treasure chest at some point still to store my own treasures I make for myself. I thought I found a good option awhile ago but upon closer inspection the wood was too thin to hold almost anything and most every one of the large wooden chests had splits and cracks in the wood. That just won’t do. So the search will continue until the perfect one is found that will suit my needs. There was a large old  metal trunk I found that was interesting but I honestly really like the idea of having a wood one and the metal one would have taken a lot of work to fix it up. In the end it would have cost me more than I wanted to spend just to fix it and then embellish it. Not to mention a wooden one I can use a wood burning tool on for most of the design along with metal brackets and such.

So I finally got the last of the Christmas presents in the mail to distant friends that are like family to me as well as actual family. Got the last present I ordered online in the mail today and its now wrapped and under the tree. Did not think it would get here by Christmas from what the tracker said so that was a nice surprise. It was pretty funny actually trying to keep my younger brother from playing a new game his friend let him borrow for a few hours since we got him that exact game for Christmas. I am trying to keep him from playing it for the first time until he unwraps our present. Told him we needed to have family movie time and games could wait. Valarie, my sister, was busting up laughing because anytime I would leave the room for water he would express how annoyed he was about it and she knew why I was keeping him from doing it. He thinks she was just laughing because his annoyance is funny. Man is he going to be surprised when he finds out we got him some really awesome presents that were on his list he did not think he would get.

Now I just have food to cook and we will be ready to go.

But for now I think I might just try to find a good movie to watch and snuggle in for the night.
Happy Winter Solstice Everyone! ^_^

Friday, December 9, 2011

General rantings and shop related updates

I have not written in my blog in awhile and figured I might take the time today to make a post. There are a lot of things on my mind and a lot of things that have been going on recently. For one, my shop has been invited to have a booth at the Rapture Party on Dec 10th at the Shredder in Boise. It always makes me happy to be thought of when people think of what vendors they wish to have at their event.
Been working on some mini book earrings and necklaces.
mini bos earrings green witch bos pendant IMAG1742
I have also been working on spirit vessels but I do not have pictures of those currently. I came to the realization that I make lots of items for my shop but almost never make anything for myself. Part of that is due to not having enough proper storage. Yet another reason I want a large wooden treasure chest is to help store some of those things I want to make and keep for my own use.
I have been painting a little, mostly for my shop sign which is not all that elaborate given the amount of time I was given but it will do. I am outlining a new painting I think I am going to do. Sometimes I like to jump right in and start painting, other times I like to do an outline and then mull it over in my mind for a few days before I actually pull out the paints. I think it is going to be a snowy scene. I am really excited for the snow to come this year. It has been so cold outside I think snowing would bring the temperature up a bit. It can be too cold to snow you know. I hope to go out and take photos of the town and untouched snow blanketed landscape once it actually snows and snows enough to stick.
As much as I am anticipating the snow, it is kind of sad that as soon as the weather gets cold I want to go out and wildcraft things that have gone to sleep for winter, or get inspired by gardens. I do dislike that I cannot have an in ground garden here. Container boxes is what I can do and that is about it. I have been seeing some really inspiring indoor gardens that I would do if I had the space and or if it would not make things feel very cluttered. If I can reorganize things in my house (which need organizing anyways) I may try out some of the indoor garden ideas I have seen. The main problem I am worried about is that what happens if the herb gets too big for the indoor container? having to keep transplanting to larger containers *may* not be possible. I will think over possible ideas for awhile and see if I don’t come up with a better idea.

Started writing a second story. I have not finished the first one but it really needs organizing which is a pain and I have been procrastinating it. I don’t want to get writers block so I have to keep up writing and am doing so with my second book. This one is based off of some of the ideas I had for the Funeral Home for the Strange and Deranged painting I did that was based off of a story idea I had long ago. I changed a few things but it won’t effect the painting at all, just the story. I have about 60 pgs written in the book so far. I may have to go back and revise some things to make it flow better but otherwise I am happy with the story so far.

I have most of my Christmas shopping done. This year, like most, I am buying and making presents. I have a few I need to ship out as soon as I get the last portion of one finished so I can ship them all out at once. Just making Christmas presents and making new shop products and preparing for a booth can be kind of crazy at times. Funny how it seems to always go the same way when preparing for a booth. I don’t mind one bit though really. I would rather be doing 12 things at once then having nothing to do and being bored as hell. In between all of this I had a wonderful day filled with divination, crafts, and tea with a friend. I got my snake bones back and made some spirit vessels with them today. Took awhile to get them cleaned but well worth it for the tiny little bones. I hope to find more bones in the future when I go out on my bone collecting and herb wild crafting adventures.

Sewing machine is kind of on the fritz right now so I haven’t really been able to sew much of anything. Was not fun having it stop working in the middle of a project I really wanted to get done and would rather not hand sew the rest of it.

I did have to take my products out of Alchemy Spa since they are going through some changes and I believe are going to be switching locations possibly. My products may be put back up at some point in the future but for now they will only be either at booths or online.
While picking up my products I also gave my brother an early Christmas present and got him his first piercing. He was quite happy about that :) Teenage boys are very hard to shop for in my experience.

I am not so into the Christian aspect or some of the rowdy people who come out during Christmas, but I do like the snow, and the holiday season, Yule celebrations, decorating, and presents. Oh and can’t forget good food and family surrounding you. I would attempt to make a wreath for my front door but sadly we aren’t allowed to put anything on our doors or windows. I do however have my tree up and decorated and it looks awesome. If I really want to I can always hang a wreath inside the house over the mantle.

Started watching Grimm and Once Upon a Time, two new series that came out on tv recently. So far I am really liking both. Watched some new movies too that I really enjoyed. I am just waiting for the second Sherlock Holmes to come out so I can watch that.

Well, have a lot I still need to get done. So I am going to end this blog for now. May have more to update on later.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

What I have been up to and will be up to

So I have been decently inactive on here recently. I thought I would just kind of update you all on what I have been up to.

So first off, I am getting married!
Yes I know you all probably knew I would at some point, but I have actually been planning the wedding. We are getting married Oct 13th of this year. (Mind you I just started planning for this in July... Yea its been one hell of a crazy ride for the planning part but its worth it. Funny enough my AMAZING victorian-esk fairy tale wedding gown was easier to find than the shoes were, funny that.
After some bumps we finally found a venue thats perfect within our budget. Ended up we got the more expensive ballroom for the event room price by a fluke haha. I am not complaining.
Found Caseys outfit pretty easily. (No, not a tux, or a suit.. much better than that ^^)
I have had the most wonderful bridesmaids/and friends ever who are really helping me with all of this.
Still lots to do before the wedding itself but we have a lot done already. The major stuff at least. Did I mention I really like my ring? Which to me is very fairytale like (at least thats what I think of when I see it)
wedding ring

I will probably post up wedding pics sometime after the wedding and I get them from the photographer.

I have also been going to lots of scrap booking/stamping classes. One of the craft stores around here offers a few free classes a couple times a month and I have been loving going to them. I can't believe how much I have learned in such a short period of time. Because of this I am going to make my own wedding invitations instead of just buying generic ones. Its going to be a fall themed wedding of course ^_^ favorite time of year!
I have won a bunch of cool prizes from going to the classes too. Last time they gave out TONS of scrapbooking paper and then a scrap happy water bottle with a chill core. I made a wizard of oz plaque, a honeymoon card, some stamped candles.. its awesome how many things we get to make (all supplies are free for the projects too!)
I won’t post a picture of the honeymoon card so my love does not try to sneak a peak at it, but here are pictures of some of the paper I have gotten, as well as the candle projects we did.

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I got a ton of 6x6 chipboard that I am going to use to make smaller blank books. I currently am working on a chart/correspondence book that is going to have pages and pages of info in the elements, times, places, etc for magical uses. I have been looking up altered books for page inspiration. There are some really amazing altered books out there.

I have also been working on slowly making my own tarot/oracle deck. I have painted one card so far that has to do with an underworld/otherworld necropolis. I think making my own deck will have more meaning and make it easier to understand than using my faery deck I currently have.
This card is not quite finished but almost.
otherworld necropolis oracle card

Also in the process of making a chart/correspondence book.
This is the day of the week page and the earth element page.
 days of the week1 days of the week2 days of the week3 earth with leaves other side of earth section
I am going to be doing every page as intricate and creative as these three. I have many more pages to go but it will look awesome in the end.

I have been working on a couple of clothing articles now that I know how to use my sewing machine. I haven't finished them yet, kind of stuck on how I want to finish them but I think stepping away from it and letting the ideas flow for a bit will help me come to a decision.
At some point I need to make my own dress form/bust. I know how to do it, just need the materials/time/space to do it. It would help me a lot in making clothing for myself.
Here are some of the ones I am working on.
orange and black shirt corsetting on shirt   purple and orange skirtgreen clover top
Started the corseting on the shirt. Matching skirt in the works. Beginnings of a top. I love the green clover fabric I had for this.  It will be corseted in the front later.
shirt inspiration shirt on me in progress
This brown orange shirt I found online.
Is the inspiration for the gray shirt I am making.
I mis-measured the tapered point (due to not having any sort of pattern whatsoever)
So I will need to add another panel there, but it will work. I just need to figure out how to cut the fabric for the hood the way I want it and then sew it on the back. It is going to be really cute when it is done.
gray shirt

I used a shirt of mine that was form fitting to kind of use as a pattern for the upper shape of the shirt… though that was interesting to try to manage haha. Still, was better than nothing I guess. I used the same shirt to make the pattern for the clover top too.
I just wanted to make some cute fall clothes. I will probably make more/finish these later.

The vampire photoshoot I am supposed to be in has been postponed again. This time its set much further back then the time before, so I won't have pictures of that until next year. It will still happen though.
I have another photographer interested in doing some shoots with me and we are discussing possible ideas for future shoots.

I have been watching my brothers friend for the past several days... lots of people in one house.. let me tell ya..

I am also debating on having a small Halloween Samhain party in October if I can swing it after the wedding with planning and such.. Not to mention possibly a bridal shower potentially before the wedding. Lots to do..

I will be making Samhain kits for those who pre-order them from my shop. I figured with everything going on it would be much easier to do it this way then to make up a bunch and have no idea how many people want them. I have a posting about the kits here. Keep in mind I currently only ship to people in the USA just because for right now it is easier.
Anyways, I think that covers most of what I have been up to..? lol it's good enough at least.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Been busy

So many things going on in the past few months as well as the months to come.

I had to prepare for and run a booth for my shop, Lotus Moon Apothecary, at the Satin Dolls Fetish Ball. Which was really awesome aside from being super warm in there.
Lot of fun. I got to work with a friend who I hired to be my fortune teller for the night.
Same friend who is also helping teach me how to sew. Yes I finally know how to use my sewing machine for some things. First thing I was being taught was how to sew a corset. Fun times.
IMAG0458 IMAG0460 IMAG0456 IMAG0457

I also have shop space down at Alchemy Spa in Boise now. ^_^
Though you can still order anything I make online whether it is in Alchemy or not and it will be shipped to you. So don't forget to look my shop page up on Facebook to see all I have to offer.

I started going to a scrap booking class and soon a stamping class; because I thought it would be fun and broaden my knowledge with paper stuffs.  I am already learning some fun things and they give you the supplies for each project for free so its awesome.

one of the non paper projects we had to do was paint and decorate a tile in the Wizard of Oz theme. This was mine.
wizard of oz tile finished

I did a lot more painting on the tile than most do in the class… but I can’t help it. I am a painter after all. I even cheated and painted on strips of paper for the sign and the tree on the far right. The trees with the raised look were painted, then I put glue and its going to sound funny but tissue paper to make the raised bark look before I painted over it. I like the way it came out. I was going for the wizard of oz forest scene.

This is an oil painting I am working on that I had to pause work on it to get some other things done. I am thinking of putting either a creepy house, a house and lighthouse, or a combination of the two to make two in one… Tossing around ideas.
This is what I have on it so far. Its loosely based off the Oregon coast.
Oregon oil painting start

I also got to work on making a new book of shadows. I decided that the cover would resemble my A Grave Night painting. It’s not finished yet, but its getting there. Looking better than I thought it would considering I had to downsize and free hand the same painting. Never been great at it so I guess I am improving my painting skills in that way.

bos and a grave night It is a little farther along than in this picture, I basically just need to add the tombstones and the yellow to the lantern. All the pages are burnt and ready to be inserted as soon as I am finished painting.

I also finished the commissioned painting awhile ago but I haven’t gotten permission to post pictures of the painting yet. I will most likely be able to get some up around the beginning of September.

I have a vampire photo shoot coming up at the end of this month I am going to be in. There is still much to be done in prep for that shoot. I am sure the pictures will turn out wonderful though :)

I went over to see a friend on the 8th and we made a random spur of the moment trip to the forest. It was probably an hr or so drive out… a really bumpy but fun drive. My car sure couldn’t have made it that’s for sure.
It was gorgeous up there though! we got there around 4am or 4:30. I got to see all of Boise, Meridian, Nampa, Eagle lit up. The stars were amazing. I saw the milky way, the seven sisters, drako, more than 5 shooting stars, and a bunch of others. I wish my camera was powerful enough to get shots of the stars. I did get shots of the city though.
city scape
This is maybe 1/3rd of the city lights. I took tons of pictures of the city lights but I figured posting one should be enough.
Here are some other photos from that day once the sun came up.
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View from the drive back down
Twilight over the city.


Little hobbit hut we found. I was really excited to find this… I think its awesome!


View from not far inside the forest. Being that this was a spur of the moment trip, neither of us thought to bring food… So we got hungry and had to leave before too much of the area was explored. I did however come back with quite a good yarrow harvest. I also got a couple of sunflowers.

I have been harvesting peppermint, mugwort, and a small bit of sage from my own garden.

I got to work on trying to organize my book I am writing a bit better. I am at a point where I need it clear and easy to find certain points. Its slow going but I am getting a lot done. I need to add certain things at certain points for the various events within the book. It did not matter if it was organized before but it does now so I am working on that. Hopefully before I get the writing kick again lol.

I am also working on a new skirt design with the new fabric I found. I have not made a skirt like this before. I saw one like it and have the basic understanding of how it is made so I am just kind of going with it. I will post pictures if it turns out at least wearable.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

My Wildcrafting Adventure

I was able to take a surprise trip out into nature today. I had not planned on going out today but when my love came home early we got our stuff and headed out.
The first area was by far the most herb filled out of the two areas we decided to explore today.
This spot was a different one than the last several times I have been out. I have to say I really liked it and hope to pack a lunch next time so we may have a small picnic.

2011-04-16 16.52.31 2011-04-16 16.53.44
I collected a few thorns from what I believe to be a hawthorn tree.

An otter was spotted though they never stay still enough to be able to capture a picture.
We were however able to capture some of the mother goose and her nest of eggs.
2011-04-16 17.20.24 2011-04-16 17.16.25
She was sitting on the nest up on the small incline at first. I saw her little head from over the ridge, if it hadn’t been for spotting her head I would have missed the nest entirely.
She moved, not because we scared her, but to scare off a dog that was near. We did not touch the nest of course but we did take advantage and snapped a shot of her lovely large eggs. I had not seen goose eggs before today. Guess I should have imagined they would have been as big as they were *laughs*
I was also lucky enough to find many goose feathers on this trip due to molting and the nesting. I of course collected every good one I found for later use.

2011-04-16 15.46.42
For some reason this was just a highly amusing picture to take. Later on they were both sleeping near each other. It was quite sweet.

2011-04-16 17.03.46 2011-04-16 17.04.25 2011-04-16 17.03.30
On the way to our second destination we walked by the river where the water was flowing quite rapidly. It was beautiful and so we stopped and took pictures of it all.

We also spotted a bald eagle. I have yet to see one around here before so it was a treat to see. I am told they are out more around winter. I know they have reserve areas specifically for them. I used to see bald eagles all the time when I lived in Washington, but since moving have not seen many.

Another thing we saw when passing by the lake were swans. This is not a very close up picture of them, but they were there. 
2011-04-16 16.40.35
My wildcrafting harvest was pretty decent. I ended up with; Mullein, catnip, cleavers, mugwort, two different kinds of pine cones… The non herb collections were goose feathers, some quartz crystals,  and I found a dead garter snake I carefully collected. I saw live ones too but I did not really want to go near those. I used to play with snakes all the time as a young child. It would make my father nervous at times because he was never sure the type I would find.
The snake will be used later for various things.
In addition to the harvested herbs I was able to pick some of them with the root system still intact and am attempting to transplant them into my own garden. The fern I am in the process of transplanting is doing quite well so I am hoping these will do the same. I found mullein was probably the hardest to pull out with the roots without a tool, and cleavers being the second.
I got two tiny cleavers with the root still intact but I am not so sure they will make it to be honest.
I was able to find a small mullein that I hope survives as well as I got catnip which has the best shot of them all I would say. The mugwort I got may have some bits of the root missing on a few of them, but I am hopping just like a cutting, that it will still grow.
Here are pictures of my wildcrafted herbs.
2011-04-16 20.25.08 2011-04-16 20.22.07 2011-04-16 20.22.34 2011-04-16 20.22.47 2011-04-16 20.22.57  2011-04-16 20.24.52 2011-04-16 20.23.13
I also forgot to mention this really interesting find. It was the knot of a tree that I found lying on the ground. If it is interesting to me I pick it up.

Pictures of my first phase of transplanting. I really do need to get bags of soil for my raised garden bins so I can start planting things. You can see the fern is killing off old leaves and sprouting up new ones. Success!
The little pot is the cleavers that I do not think will survive but its worth a shot.
2011-04-16 20.24.11 2011-04-16 20.24.25
Temporary homes till I know if they are going to survive. If they do then they will be moved to their permanent homes.
2011-04-16 20.24.38 2011-04-16 20.23.56

It rained a short while after we left. Spending time with my honey, herb harvesting, rain, and a full moon. What more could a girl like me ask for?